nedjelja, 7. kolovoza 2011.

St. John’s Wort Oil – a cure for all

The beginning of August is special because after 40 days of being in the sun, the finest olive oil with buds and flowers of the precious St. John’s Wort’s plant is ready to be strained and become the  St. John’s Wort oil, a remedy which will keep us safe and healthy throughout the year.
We traditionally pick the flowers on the Mid Summer’s Day (St. John’s Eve). Sometimes I wish I could pick them during that magical Mid Summer’s Eve and during the shortest night of the year when the fairies come out :)
It is the third year I have been doing it, after my father showed me beautiful, lonely, sunny meadows full of healing herbs and tought me how to pick only the buds and flowers of St. John’s Wort leaving the stems intact. Of course, you will take some leaves too, they also have active ingredients. It is very important not to cut the stem because the plant cannot produce the new stem with flowers that same year. If you leave the stems, you can always come back and pick some more flowers as long the summer will allow you:)
The emotional state of the picker is very important too for it is his hand that touches the plant before plucking its parts and taking it away from it. The energy of the picker and the plant intertwine.

My grandmother, the herbalist, tought my father and he tought me how to make the precious St. John’s Wort oil:
1. Leave St. John’s Wort buds, flowers and leaves to rest over night and allow little creatures to find new home.
2. Put them gently in clean, wide-mouth glass jars the next morning.
3. Pour the finest extra- vergin olive oil (cold pressed, organic) 
over the material, until the top of the jar.
4. Cover with a piece of cheesecloth ( no tight lid because of the condensation ) and a rubberband.
4. Bless it and leave for 40 days in the sun.
5. Ocassionally look and check if the buds are covered in oil (if not, they can get mouldy).
6. On the fortieth day, strain with clean cheesecloth.
7. Squeeze out any leftover oil from the plant matter.
8. Pour the precious infused oil into clean, dark bottles, tight the bottle caps and label if you want.
9. Do not store the St. John’s Wort oil in the refrigerator.
10. Use it with appreciation during the next year for:
Beautiful, healthy skin
-          Scrub the whole body, from toe to top every morning with a bristle brush or a towel toward the heart, then massage the St. John’s Wort oil and do not forget to enjoy it while you are doing it!
-          Use it on the cleansed face as a remedy for the skin problems (acne, sun damage, warts…)
-          Put  it on bruises, burns, wounds and insect bites  to speed up the healing process and ease up the pain
-          Apply it gently and slowly on legs in case of poor circulation

Health problems:
-          Ear infections
-          Gum infections
-          Skin infections
-          Mucose membrane infections
-          Scalp conditions
-          Fibrosis
-          Ischialgia, neuralgia, mialgia ( back pain, nerve pain, muscle pain )
-          Vaginal inflammation ( fungus and viral infections including HPV, herpes, even HIV )
-          Menopausal problems
St. John’s Wort oil is one of the gifts from nature that changed my life. How?
It makes me calmer because I know I have a remedy at hand in case of trouble. I use it just like that, or mix it with essential oils for more serious problems. I don’t have to rush to a drugstore and spend money on something I can never be sure what it is.
It saved me a lot of money because I no longer buy body lotions, anti cellulite creams, facial masks, expensive ointments, I just use the oil with essential oils to make what I need. It was my life saver when I was without job, a place to live, money, car and everything else you need for a normal life.
It makes me happy to see how it works on other people as well. It solves acne, muscle and nerve pain, helps with all kinds of skin problems and makes people really feel more at ease with themselves.
It is not just efficient on skin and mucous membrane level, it goes deeper, to the muscles, nerves and veins, but more importantly, it goes to the core of our being. Don’t ask me how, but it has a special calming effect regardless of where and how you use it.
St. John’s Wort is an ancient anti-depressant taken orally but it definitely does the job entering your body through skin and, let’s not forget,activating the primary sense, smell.
I use St. John’s Wort oil as career oil with specific essential oils depending on the problems I treat, the healing effects dramatically increase. But that is a story for some other time:)

subota, 6. kolovoza 2011.

Perfect-that's what you are

I see us…surfing the web in search of a better piece of advice, stronger encouragement, clearer guidelines, true answers…the quest is endless. It goes on and on….
Every day we hope to find something that will really help us become better, happier, healthier, stronger…this time we will really find it, this time we will find something that will really help us change…
What are we really looking for? Or did we forget?
Every search begins from the need to find something that is missing.
That means we feel something is missing but we do not actually know what, because if we knew, we would not be looking for it. We would just take it and fill in the void within.
It is easy if you are looking for a missing part of your car engine or plans for your new house but what if you are looking for a missing part within you? Where do you look?
Today, there are so many self-help books and methods, so many gurus and guides, doctors and therapists, schools and courses that you can really spend years behind your computer searching what is wrong with you and how to fix it.
That reminds me of a joke. They say there are around 600 different psychotherapies according to some surveys.
-So, why are there so many?
- Because none of them works…
The truth is, you just have to realize one thing:
How do I know this?
Because I know, it was not just our parents who helped us come to this planet. Even if you were lucky enough to have loving parents who wanted you, it was not they who invited you here. They had no idea about who was coming. They knew someone was coming but little did they know about the color of your eyes let alone your character, your feelings and your purpose here.
They received you as a gift.
Your parents gave you your body but the spirit that is unique in the whole universe was breathed in you by someone far mightier than your Earthly parents.
You may resemble your parents somewhat but your spirit is free and it can do miracles never seen by anyone before.
It means that there has never been anyone like you and there never will be after you are gone. You are unique.
That makes you a child of a greater power than we can imagine.
You have a heavenly Father who wanted you here otherwise you would never get this body.
So, even if your parents abandoned you or treated you badly, even if you had a miserable childhood, try not to spend time digging in your old wounds trying to understand.
It will only give you more pain.
You are a special being sent from above and you are created for great work. So instead of looking for means to repair some flaws that someone else made you believe you had them, start seeing yourself as a child of God and start acting as one.
Realize that you have a Father that is stronger than any Earthly fathers who loves you more than any human can love.
Be grateful for that immense love and feel it inside.
See it everywhere around you. In every flower, in every beam of light, in every bird song. It is all there just for you.
Realize how happy you are and stop listening to anyone who is telling you that you should change and correct the mistakes within you for they do not have faith.
They would know that the Creator is omnipotent and it is impossible that it made you flawed.
Spend more time in silence to find what you were sent here for.
Once you realize your purpose and start fulfilling it, you will feel divine because at that moment, your spirit is connected with the divine Father.
Return to your true unique nature.
No matter what the mature, all grown up, so called objective, experienced and sarcastic people say, it IS possible to be happy as in the beginning when you were a baby and your heart knew only the feeling of great, perfect, calm happiness.